CL110 – Red Hat OpenStack Administration I

Learn how to install, configure, use, and maintain Red Hat OpenStack Platform

Red Hat OpenStack Administration I (CL110) is designed for system administrators who are intending to implement a cloud computing environment using Red Hat OpenStack® Platform.

This course is based on Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8.


Red Hat offers a method of training that is convenient to you – classroom, online, or at your site.

Course overview

This course will teach students to install a proof-of-concept, configure, use, and maintain Red Hat OpenStack Platform. This course covers the core services: identity (Keystone), block storage (Cinder), image (Glance), networking (Neutron), compute and controller (Nova), and dashboard (Horizon).

Course content summary

  • Launch an instance using the Horizon dashboard
  • Manage projects, quotas, and users
  • Manage networks, subnets, routers, and floating IP addresses using the Horizon dashboard
  • Manage the Keystone identity service using the unified command-line interface
  • Manage instances using the unified command-line interface
  • Deploy Red Hat OpenStack Platform using PackStack

Audience and prerequisites

  • Linux system administrators and cloud administrators interested in, or responsible for, maintaining a private cloud.
  • Prerequisites for this course

  • Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA®) in Red Hat Enterprise Linux® certification or equivalent experience
  • For candidates that have not earned their RHCSA, confirmation of the correct skill set knowledge can be obtained by passing the online skills assessment.
  • Outline for this course

    Course introduction

    Introduce and review the course.

    Launch an instance
    Launch an instance and describe the terminology and services used in OpenStack.
    Manage projects and users
    Manage projects and users using Horizon.
    Manage project quotas
    Manage project quotas using Horizon.
    Manage flavors
    Manage flavors using Horizon.
    Manage images
    Manage images using Horizon.
    Manage networks
    Manage networks using Horizon.
    Manage floating IP addresses
    Manage floating IP addresses using Horizon.
    Manage block storage
    Manage block storage using Horizon.
    Manage security and access
    Manage security and access to instances using Horizon.
    Manage instances
    Manage instances using Horizon.
    Install OpenStack
    Install an OpenStack proof of concept using PackStack.
    Manage the Keystone identity service
    Manage the Keystone identity service using the command-line interface.
    Prepare to launch instances with the command-line interface
    Prepare to launch instances and manage instances using the command-line interface.
    Manage instances with the command-line interface
    Manage instances using the command-line interface.
    Manage block storage with the command-line interface
    Manage block storage using the command-line interface.
    Comprehensive review of Red Hat OpenStack Administration I
    Review tasks in the Red Hat OpenStack Administration I course.
    Note: Course outline is subject to change with technology advances and as the nature of the underlying job evolves. For questions or confirmation on a specific objective or topic, contact one of our training specialists.

    Recommended next exam or course

  • Red Hat OpenStack Administration II (CL210)
  • Red Hat OpenStack Administration II (CL210) teaches system administrators how to implement a cloud-computing environment using Red Hat OpenStack Platform, including installation, configuration, and maintenance.
  • Red Hat OpenStack Administration II with exam (CL211)
  • Red Hat OpenStack Administration II with exam (CL211) teaches system administrators how to implement a cloud-computing environment using Red Hat OpenStack Platform, including installation, configuration, and maintenance and then prove your skills, knowledge and abilities needed to create, configure, and manage private clouds using the Red Hat OpenStack Platform with Red Hat Certified System Administrator in Red Hat OpenStack exam (EX210).
  • Red Hat Certified System Administrator in Red Hat OpenStack exam (EX210)
  • Prove your skills, knowledge and abilities needed to create, configure, and manage private clouds using the Red Hat OpenStack Platform with Red Hat Certified System Administrator in Red Hat OpenStack exam (EX210).